Sounds Terrific 2
Sounds Terrific II (1996)(Weird Science)(Disc 1 of 2)[Amiga-PC].iso
Text File
48 lines
This is the Amiga version of the Sound Exchange release 6, patchlevel
11; Amiga version number is 3.3; this is an update to SOX patchlevel 9
and Amiga SOX 3.1.
New to pl11:
- Sun ADPCM compressed .au support
- Who knows? I haven't really checked it all. I just port
the thing.
With release 3.1, I decided to compile versions for the 68020 and
68000 instead of the '030 and '000. The performance ratio of an '020
to a '000 is better than the performance ratio of the '030 to an
'020, and not much less than '030 to '000. Essentially, '030 users
lose little by using an '020 binary, but '020 users gain much by
not using the '000 version. This solution, then, maximizes the
benefit distribution.
As an Amiga user, you benefit from better documentation; the docs for
public SOX have not been updated in a long while, but I updated the
[pt,tt,n]roff, ascii, and AmigaGuide manuals.
Contained in this archive are the following:
bin/csh/*2*.sh Amiga Csh shell scripts for specific conversions.
bin/csh/soxaliases.sh Amiga Csh aliases for specific conversions.
bin/dos/*2* AmigaShell scripts for specific conversions.
bin/sox Sound Exchange, runs on any Amiga.
bin/sox020 Sound Exchange for 68020 machines.
bin/sox881 Sound Exchange for Amigas with 68881/68882
floating-point processors.
bin/sox020881 Sound Exchange for 68020/6888[12] Amigas.
dist/* Standard multi-platform distribution plus Amiga
fixes which are NOT yet in the distribution.
doc/CHEATS Original Unix CHEATS list.
doc/README Original Unix README.
doc/sox.guide AmigaGuide documentation.
doc/soxscripts.doc Information on the supplied shell scripts.
doc/sox.doc ASCII documentation.
doc/st.doc ASCII documentation for libst.
doc/TIPS Original Unix TIPS help file.
doc/TODO Original Unix TODO file.
Information specific to the Amiga version is contained at the end of
the AmigaGuide document 'sox.guide'.
--dgc, 28 Feb 1993